We can assist you with Transition to Retirement strategies and income streams in retirement with funds you have accumulated in superannuation. You may need to consider what investments you are going to keep in retirement, as they are not all equal and you will want to minimise tax as much as possible so that it doesn’t eat into your income.
We use sophisticated financial planning modelling software which models cash flow, wages growth, assets, debt repayment, investment returns, super contributions and more. We use this to pin point which strategies will be of most financial benefit to you and the most meaningful cash flow tables and charts are provided to you in your Financial Plan to show you what you can actually achieve. We use conservative rates of return in our projections as we would rather underestimate that overestimate when it comes to planning for your retirement. This is a very useful tool when planning for retirement as it can also help calculate whether or not you will be eligible for the Age Pension (based on existing rules).